Please, save the contents of this page by pressing Ctrl-S on your keyboard or by clicking "File" and "Save as..." in your Netscape window. Then edit the resulting file and send it by e-mail to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE 33rd SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS June 5-9, 2001, Torun, Poland ------------------------------------ R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M ------------------------------------ NAME & SURNAME: ............................................................. AFFILIATION: ................................................................ ADDRESS: .................................................................... tel:................ fax:............... e-mail:........................... CONTRIBUTION: [ ] oral communication [ ] poster TITLE: .................................................................... ABSTRACT: ................................................................. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE (mark from-to): June 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HOTEL (approximate prices, single room per night): [ ] HELIOS ($75) [ ] I am coming alone [ ] POD ROZA ($40) [ ] with an accompanying person [ ] University guest room ($15) SPECIAL REQUESTS: ........................................................... CONFERENCE FEE: [X] $120 [ ] Accompanying person $60 [ ] Bank transfer [ ] I will pay later Money transfers (conference fee only) should be made to the account of Nicholas Copernicus University at BIG Bank Gdanski S.A. II O/Torun, Sz. Chelminska 17, 87-100 Torun, Poland Acct #: 11602068-67054001 "XXXIII SMP" (swift code: BIGBPLPW) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Organizing Committee XXXIII SMP Institute of Physics, UMK Grudziadzka 5 87-100 Torun, Poland Tel: (48-56) 6113236 Fax: (48-56) 6225397 E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOMEPAGE: